Caloric Expenditure

Calorie bar charts are an estimate of the total calories that you may expend while hiking on a trail from one trailhead to the other. The charts are based on data derived from a statistical model of energy expenditure that relates gross weight, typical speed, and trail topography. The charts predict energy expenditure with an accuracy of about ±15 percent for most individuals.

Gross weight includes the weight of the (physically healthy) person (aged between 18 and 70 years) and any weight carried while walking and hiking the trail.

Speed is a number of miles per hour which varies depending on the terrain.

Keep in mind, when movement is suspended (for example when the hiker stops to enjoy a view) additional calories are expended but they are not included in the total caloric expenditure. Also, accurate and reliable trail data is important — check the data star ratings.

Use the data only as a guideline as there are many different variables (e.g., headwinds and rain that may alter the trail surface) that can affect your caloric expenditure on the trail.