Free Topo Maps of Death Valley National Park

Download free topo maps of Death Valley National Park. Use the adjoining 7.5 minute quadrangle legend to locate the California maps you need.

Adjoining 7.5' Quadrangle Legend

  1. Northwest Topo Map: Mesquite Flat, CA
  2. North Topo Map: Stovepipe Wells NE, CA
  3. Northeast Topo Map: Chloride City, CA
  4. West Topo Map: Stovepipe Wells, CA
  5. Topo Map: Grotto Canyon, CA
  6. East Topo Map: Beatty Junction, CA
  7. Southwest Topo Map: Emigrant Canyon, CA
  8. South Topo Map: Tucki Wash, CA
  9. Southeast Topo Map: West of Furnace Creek, CA

Death Valley National Park

Death Valley, California located east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains was proclaimed a National Monument in 1933; becoming a National Park in 1994. This inhabitable area's petroglyphs and ancient foot-trails is evidence of the Shoshone Indians who once lived here. Early pioneers traversing the mineral rich mountains and plains faced unbearable 130 degree heat, naming the Funeral Mountains, Coffin Peak, Hell's Gate, Starvation Canyon and Dead Man Pass; and Badwater, the lowest point in the Western hemisphere. Sand dunes and mountains are home to a myriad of remarkable plants, wildlife and multicolored, unsurpassed, majestic rock formations of incredible beauty. Following heavy rains desert plants astound in their proliferation and beauty.

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