Free Topo Maps of Sequoia National Park

Download free topo maps of Sequoia National Park. Use the adjoining 7.5 minute quadrangle legend to locate the California maps you need.

Adjoining 7.5' Quadrangle Legend

  1. Northwest Topo Map: Cedar Grove, CA
  2. North Topo Map: The Sphinx, CA
  3. Northeast Topo Map: Mount Clarence King, CA
  4. West Topo Map: Mount Silliman, CA
  5. Topo Map: Sphinx Lakes, CA
  6. East Topo Map: Mount Brewer, CA
  7. Southwest Topo Map: Lodgepole, CA
  8. South Topo Map: Triple Divide Peak, CA
  9. Southeast Topo Map: Mount Kaweah, CA

Sequoia National Park

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks located in the California Sierra Nevada range are two contiguous parks established in 1890; only General Grant Grove in Kings Canyon was proclaimed a protected area until 1940 when National Park status was granted to Kings Canyon. Sequoias here are among both the tallest, most massive trees in the world. This wilderness park whose swollen springtime rivers can be extremely dangerous draws backpackers seeking the pristine High Sierra experience. The park's diverse oak chaparral ecology, rich in flora and fauna is only surpassed by the Central American rainforest. Whether exploring Mount Whitney, the Crystal Cave, granite cliffs, waterfalls, the museum or Native American pictographs, the overwhelming awe-inspiring voice of nature predominates.